Monday, January 29, 2007

I am firmly entrenched in what one of my classmates has referred to as "MA hangover". The thesis is done and I have buttloads of work to do, but I am not doing any of it. Instead, all I want to do is sleep. It doesn't help that I'm having this odd dizziness... I was going to write a reaction paper for my class, I swear. But I just couldn't bring myself to write two pages of pretentious crap about stages vs. emergent forms. I need to snap out of this, and quick. I've got two Glen(n)s waiting on stuff from me, plus a Janet. Sigh... I'm soooo not making this Feb ethics deadline... Meh.

I can't even be bothered to finish this post. If I can wake up tomorrow and not feel dizzy, it will be a better day. Oh, until I go to band and suck out loud. Is it reading week yet???

Friday, January 19, 2007


I HATE track changes! Hate, hate, HATE! It is terrible! It may save trees, but I don't think it does anyone's ego any good at all. There's nothing like opening a document to see a sea of red. Fan-tastic.

Maybe if I just keep telling myself "this is the last set of revisions" (even though I know it's a lie!) it won't be so bad... I am just so very sick of reading this thing. It needs to be over. Like right now.

I am also very full of Thai food at the moment, which is making me sleepy. Though I don't see how I could possibly be tired, as I had a really long nap today. Mmmm... naps!

Hmmm... I just checked, and my already short thesis is getting even shorter! Who knew it was possible... It's 14 pages (double-spaced) right now, but I can see it being 12 or 13 pages in the end. Quite the stark contrast to, oh, everyone else's thesis. I love succinctness. It is fabulous. No need to use 12 words where one will do, right? Oh language... Maybe one day I will write a book, and then I can use as many words as I want...

I think that's enough of my incoherent ramblings for one day. Have a good weekend all! Have some fun for me, as I will be having very little myself...

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Now, you may want to sit down before you read this, but I am ALMOST DONE my thesis! Yes, folks, that is correct. Almost done. Almost as in a few more minor revisions before I can send it to my subsidiary advisor. Almost as in on Monday I will be officially done! Then I will make $2/hr more TAing and get an extra $3700 from NSERC. This is all kinds of good news. Of course, I have probably just jinxed myself, but hell, I'm ALMOST DONE! Wooooo!

And best of all, I learned a lesson from this. Writing a thesis is not so bad. I just needed to get over the psychological "OH MY GOD THESIS" thing. Of course it helped that my entire thesis is under 30 pages. I have less than 15 fill pages of writing. I've written longer term papers, I'm pretty sure. So, the winner of the shortest thesis ever award is me!

I've even had time these last few days to read the new Pants book. It is so good! I love it, and I'm going to go tell Ann Brashares that in person in February! Also, the new Shins album is SO GOOD!

Also, watch the musical episode of Scrubs. It was pretty much the funniest thing ever. It all comes down to poo...