Monday, May 29, 2006


Oh. My. God. It was soooo fricking hot here today! I think the actual temperature was 34. Which means it felt like 700 million degrees. And the air was terrible, which made it really fun to breathe. And I was stuck on a cheesewagon for 1 AND A HALF HOURS (!!!!), one hour of which was spent parked on the QEW because of an accident. And THEN I had to walk home (I usually walk, but it was sooooo hot I would've taken transit) but the STUPID TTC was on an illegal strike. It was a SUPER GREAT AWESOME day. Sooooo hot. Soooooo gross. Thank goodness for basement apartments and air conditioning!

In happier news, I booked my flight home (which means I'm poor, but oh well). I'll be home for a whole month! From August 5th to September 5th. Yay!!! And a trip to Calgary is definitely in the cards. So hopefully I'll be able to see most of you (the ones who aren't gallavanting around Europe!)!! Woo!

That's pretty much it. I'll never complain about Calgary weather again. Here's hoping that the rest of this summer isn't this bad...

Monday, May 15, 2006


I'm trapped at UTM! Stupid summer schedule... Got here before 8 and I'll be leaving at 5. Sucky. It's like having a real JOB or something! Go figure... Not much new over here. Classes are over (thank god) and I'll be testing again soon. Maybe my data will be collected sometime before I'm 80. Maybe. Oooooohhh! Everyone needs to let me know when they won't be in Calgary so I can make sure I'm there before you all leave! (*fingers crossed, hope this works out!!*). I'm thinking mid to late August. Lemme know! I'm off to find some food. Hopefully the hot dog guy is still here!!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Flames in 9???...

Crap. Shit. Hell. Damn. That's all I have to say about that. The pain is still too fresh...

This day sucked after 4pm. Perhaps details will follow...