Wednesday, May 14, 2003

I have to work today. That's 5 days this week. Ugh...

I gave Chloe a bath today. For a lab cross, she sure doesn't like the water much... odd... Now she's sleeping. I think she wore herself out. She went tearing around the house like a madman afterward. Then she fell off my bed. What a goof.

Sunday, May 11, 2003

I think this was the worst weekend for work ever! I was training the new girl, and on Friday we got a flat tire. I hate tires. I'm very bitter still. This is my second flat at work. I think the first one was the same tire as this time. Maybe there's a conspiracy... And the on Saturday it took an hour to get to the airport(it usually takes 15 minutes). I don't care what happens on Deerfoot, you shouldn't be allowed to close it. Ever! And I saw some pretty stupid people this weekend. One lady stopped at a stop sign and wouldn't go, because she was too busy gawking at the ladies playing with their dogs on the side of the road. Another guy stopped his car in the left hand lane of Airport trail and got out of his car and was staring at the sky! Maybe the aliens were conducting some experiments that makes your common sense go away. Or maybe it was the sunshine. We haven't seen the sun in weeks and when it came out, people just got goofy. I just don't know sometimes... Well, at least the new girl has seen the worst, rock bottom. I shouldn't say that, I'll just jinx myself...

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Oh my goodness! So they FINALLY hired someone new at work. Thank God. And get this, it's a girl!! I never thought I'd live to see the day. The courier department is soooo full of testosterone it's hard to take at times. But yay! I don't know why it took so long to find someone, but I blame Harry (of course, I blame everything work related on Harry!). If they had let ME hire someone, this situation would have been resolved a looong time ago. They kept hiring duds. I hope this new girl doesn't turn out to be a dud. That would be sad. And Cara's friend has an interview today. I'm a little afraid that they might hire 2 people, because my extra hours would disappear! But I guess I'll have to wait and see. I do have seniority after all, right? I've been there almost 10 months, the second longest in the department. It's good to know that turnaround is high in every job.

Monday, May 05, 2003

What is wrong with this city?!?! It's snowing... Again. Will the insanity never end!!! It's May for God's sake. There are supposed to be flowers, not snowstorms!!!! If it was raining, I could handle it. I like rain. But even though snow is rain only a few degrees colder, I still have a problem with it. My raspberries are never going to grow!!! Stupid, stupid city. Stupid weather.

Thursday, May 01, 2003

So, my good friend Amanda has started Another fad. This is what happens when you only have two exams! It's cool though. I didn't know about blogger until I saw her page, which is awesome by the way, so this may be a good way to kill some time over the Looooong summer. So thanks to Amanda for starting some more insanity, you rock!