Thursday, June 09, 2005

I have the BEST sister EVER!!!

Thanks to her, I have now joined the iPod club! It's soooo awesome! Now I feel compelled to get more music, my iPod is not nearly full!

Convocation was yesterday. It was surprisingly short, only an hour and 40 minutes or so. Impressive! And the tunes courtesy of the Rooster Blues Band were AWESOME!!

And our house is no longer leaking at the seams. Woo!

Now I'm trying to pick out my digital camera (thanks mom and dad!). I'll be all set after that!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

And in recognition of 4 years of hard work, mother nature gives me... an act of God.

I am SOOOOOOOOOOO over the rain. Fuck rain even. Who needs it? Certainly not me. I have PLENTY of it coming into my basement. It's GREAT!!! We're sucking up about 2 gallons or so of it ever ten minutes. And that's just from one part of the basement. I HATE RAIN!!!!! I HATE vacuums??? I HATE being cold and wet. ARGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

An amazing thing just happened! My dad said I could actually THROW STUFF OUT!!! Wow! I never thought I'd see the day. So I'm going through his computer manuals and what do I find? 8" floppy disks. No kidding. Like what the hell? I didn't even know those existed! Crazy...