Sunday, July 09, 2006

A potential tragedy in the making...

A little birdie told me that BSS is going on hiatus after their Fall US tour... This is bad news bears. Hopefully it isn't the end of the road for these guys because I love them to pieces! I know they're all busy doing their own stuff and that they've been really busy with the group lately, so hopefully this is just a short-term thing and not something permanent... In any case, I'm glad I got to see them live a couple of times. Maybe it'll tide me over through the next while...

I regret to say that I fell off the work wagon. Haven't done anything the last 2 days. Except go to movies (yay! Devil wears Prada was SO GOOD!) and drink really cheap ($3!) vodka crans. Mmmm... Tomorrow! Tomorrow I will do work...

OOOOOHHHH!!! So I was really sad that I'd be missing the Wolf Parade concert here in TO (this will be the SECOND time I've missed them here...) but I saw today that they're playing CALGARY on August 15th! Which may just be doable... So we shall see...

Hope y'all are having fun dealing with Stampede. Yeehaw and yahoo and all that jazz. Have some mini donuts for me!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Yo ho ho ho...

A pirate's life for me! Oh my goodness! We went to see Pirates last night. So we meet at 8, figuring we'll get tickets for the 9 o'clock or whatever, nut it was sold out until 10:30! I don't know WHAT we were thinking, going on opening night, but we got tickets for the 11pm show and headed over to Milestones (which is conveniently located next door...) and had some bellinis and disgustingly good desserts. Then at 10 we figure we should go stand in line. So we go back the the theatre and somehow work our way to the front of the throng of people waiting to get in, but the lineup hasn't been set up yet. Holy lots of people... In any case, we somehow wound up at the front of the line (all those years of assertive hallway dodging at Mary's helped I think!) and got awesome seats right in the middle of the theatre. Oh Pirates... Yar! The movie was soooo sooooo good! I won't spoil anything, but the ending was the awesomest gimmick ever! I cannot wait for the next one to come out. Johnny Depp was in all his effeminate piratey glory. I give it two thumbs up and everyone should go see it! (But maybe wait until after this weekend!)

Tonight we're going to see The Devil Wears Prada! I'm quite excited as I think this movie will be fantabulastic. I'll let you know!

Less than a month until I leave! I'm getting so excited! I can't wait to hang out, stay in my pj's all day, walk on the beach, and, most importantly, see all my Calgary buddies!!! I'm so excited to see you all! It's going to be SO MUCH FUN!!!!

Well, that's it for now. I should go read a paper or two. I could start a run of 'days that I actually did work'! So far, it's only been one, but I have faith that this number will increase...

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Oh man. It's really, really hot again. Apparently it feels like 35, but does 35 feel the same to everyone??? If it was 35 in the forest, but no one was around to feel it, would it feel like 35? I dunno... I think it should be really, really hot forever now, which is super news! Because nothing is a bigger motivator than 30 degree heat and 50% humidity, right???

So I have a metric ton of work to do. At least. So what am I doing? Watching movies. WHY am I finding it so hard to get motivated??? I used to really like writing. Granted this was 8-10 years ago. But what happened? Now it just feels like such a chore. Eurgh... Oh MA thesis... please write yourself. Pretty please??? It'd be the BESTEST birthday present EVER!!! I SWEAR tomorrow I'm doing work though. Really... Mmmhmmm...

Know what's awesome? 6% GST! I totally forgot until I went to Shopper's today. Woo! Maybe I'll buy something really fun in Calgary when I come... Like a dock for my iPod. That'd be GREAT!!!

Know what else is great? Cottages! Cara and I and some other people (and the dogs) went to our friend Karen's cottage last weekend. Which has plumbing. And many cool small rooms. And a fireplace. And is 20 feet from the beach!!! I have come to the conclusion that I was meant to live by the water... I did some preliminary looking and have determined that I need to win the lottery at least once in order to afford a waterfront home in BC. So I'll get right on that...

Know what isn't great? Being really retarded. So I was tired last night and decided to 'rest' on my bed at around 8pm. Michelle, I think you know where this is going!!! I woke up at about 2:30. I have never felt so out of it! I didn't know what was going on. So I took the dogs out and then tried to go back to sleep, which took about 2 hours. Moral of the story: Don't 'rest' in bed after 6. It's not a good idea! (But I did get 12 hours of sleep last night, so that was cool.)

Well, I think that's it. Colleen, when do you leave? I think I've got everyone else's schedules, so once I have this last crucial bit of info, I can figure out when I'm coming!!! Eeeeeeee!!! I'm sooooo very excited that I get to see you all. Should be a ton of fun!!! I can't believe I leave in a month! Ack!!!