Saturday, September 30, 2006

Happy condo day Michelle!!! Hope you are not working too hard!

Tonight is Nuit Blanche. Apparently it's Toronto's attempt at being uber-cool like Paris, London, and Montreal. It's being billed as a 'free all-night contemporary art thing'. Should be fun, hopefully! I'm meeting some friends later somewhere. There's all kinds of stuff going on. Melting blocks of ice, fog in the park, concerts, films, plays, some kind of GIANT WATER ORGAN (!), and free breakfasts! Festivities start at 7:01 and go until 7 tomorrow morning. I really don't think there's any rhyme or reason to the 'schedule' of events, so we'll probably just wander and hopefully see some things! I'll bring my camera and post pictures if a) there are any cools pics to be found, and b) if I can figure out how to post pics here! I tried to have a nap but couldn't sleep, so I might not make it all the way through the night!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

A new addiction...

So one day Cara and I were working really hard. We were 'researching' which is totally not our code word for shopping... Anyway, we went to The Body Shop and lo and behold they had a new body butter smell. Now I'm not usually one for body butter and lotions and things, but man oh man! I opened the delightful tub of golden apple body butter and it was an instantaneous connection. I love love love it! I cannot stop smelling myself (which probably makes me weird...). But it's soooooo good!

I was doing more, ahem, 'research' today and I got new clothes! I got a denim jacket, a delightful brown/blue knit sweater, and some other blue shirt thing. Happy! Cotton Ginny was having a sale. 25% off. I couldn't not get that stuff. Plus it was payday today. I always get the urge to shop on payday!

Well, that's it for now. Back to my book!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

My sister bought a house!

Yes, that's right. She bought a house. She now has a boyfriend, a truck, and a house. It all seems so backward for some reason... What is this strage thing I'm feeling??? Could it be... no... but maybe I am... jealous??? Nah...

First band rehearsal was yesterday. It was... interesting. The conductor is nuts. My section is completely antisocial. And we're playing a song I really really detest. Plus it's totally weird to be playing with other bassoonists again. It's been YEARS since I've had a 'section' and I think I got used to being the only child. Sigh. And I've finally found a place where I feel old! Crazy! I never thought it would happen, but it did.

Finished two scholarship applications. Have not worked on the t-thing. Now though I think I've used up everything I could have procrastinated about, so I will have to work on it. Yech...

And finally, a PSA from the land of TV. Watch Brothers and Sisters (Sunday after DH). And watch Heroes (Monday). Great potential for these shows!!

That's it. Time to go start another book! (Damn you Chapters!!!)

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Thesis schmesis...

Hi all... It's been a while, but here's an update of sorts. It's 12:18 on a Saturday night. I'm sitting on the couch. Some dumb movie is on. I was at a friend's b-day party but Cara and I were wiped so we came home. Man... I don't know what is with the tiredness lately, but it's terrible! It could be my cold (yes, another one!) or the thought of impending thesis doom or the copious amounts of tasty tasty wine and cheese consumed last night. Or something else entirely. Meh.

Things are going okay. Classes are fine. Thesis is the new four-letter word. Lots of start of the year social events. The new MA class is LAME... you know, the usual. Man, I'm lame. I'm boring myself, so I'll sign off now. Hopefully more exciting updates to come. Though I really don't forsee any excitement in my near future (but I'd be ALL for it if there was some excitement coming to me!!! PLEASE!!!). My sister seems to be having all the excitement (she put an offer in on a house! ack!). So I'm off to watch this dumb movie and eat doritos. That's all for now!