I am firmly entrenched in what one of my classmates has referred to as "MA hangover". The thesis is done and I have buttloads of work to do, but I am not doing any of it. Instead, all I want to do is sleep. It doesn't help that I'm having this odd dizziness... I was going to write a reaction paper for my class, I swear. But I just couldn't bring myself to write two pages of pretentious crap about stages vs. emergent forms. I need to snap out of this, and quick. I've got two Glen(n)s waiting on stuff from me, plus a Janet. Sigh... I'm soooo not making this Feb ethics deadline... Meh.
I can't even be bothered to finish this post. If I can wake up tomorrow and not feel dizzy, it will be a better day. Oh, until I go to band and suck out loud. Is it reading week yet???