It's been a long time...
First, this post is for Jess (I miss you too!). I doubt that anyone (except Jess, apparantly) still checks this because I haven't posted in about seven trillion years. I really don't know why I haven't posted... I could blame being busy, but it's much more likely that laziness is to blame. Like now. I should be working on my manuscript (or stats) but I'm watching Ellen and blogging. If I blogged everytime I procrastinated, I'd be writing in this thing constantly! I honestly could not tell you what is taking up my procrastination time... interesting...
Anyway, my sister was here this past week for a visit. It was a long week (not just because she was here! lol). She leaves today for two weeks in St. John to visit the boyfriend (yes, the 31 year old!). I have been to and from the airport 3 TIMES in the last week. It's obscene! Maybe that's where the procrastination time goes, to the QEW. So I have to skip out of stats early (I'm crushed, really) to drive to the airport (trip #4). I'm thinking my sister may be coming back from her trip with a new accessory, but we shall see (I'm no the only one who thinks this, mom, dad, Cara, and my sis's best friend Drew all think the same thing). Yikes!
So, school's been keeping me pretty busy lately. I've been tesing A LOT (been at the 'ssaugs 3 times a week, yergh!) and I'm 25% finished the adults. Whoopie! It's going so slowly that I think I may die before I'm done! (But I may be 50% done by the end of the week!) I'm supposed to have a draft of my manuscript to old Glen by the beginning of April. Did I do any work on it this weeked? That would be a no. Instead, I made excellent use of my time and watched 9 episodes of Sex and the City and a movie and generally did nothing. Yergh. I hate myself when I do that, but I can't stop! I have a paper or poster due in 2 and a bit weeks which I also haven't started. The familiar sense of panic is beginning to creep in, but will I step it up (thank YOU, ANTM!)? Probably not for a week or so. First things first. Manuscript trumps paper. Stats trumps manuscript. Damn it! I need a time out! And let's not even talk about the annotated bibliography. Sssshhhhh...
It's starting to get really nice here, which makes working that much less appealing. Not quite sandal weather, but it's coming! Whee!!!
Well, I should go. Maybe I'll get some work done before class. Go Flames!!!