Emily Haines is amazing, wonderful, AND fantastic!
I went to my first TO concert on Wednesday night: Metric! It was wonderful, but kind of annoying, because it was an all ages show, so there were like a billion high school kiddies there, generally annoying everyone over 20 with their stupidity. God, I hope we were never that bad at that age. Yikes! Anyway, the concert was at The Phoenix, which is a pretty cool place. In the main concerty part, there's a raised bit with tables and stuff. Note to self: sitting up there would have been an excellent idea; must remember for next time... Standing for 6 hours is generally not fun, or, probably, good for you, but oh well. The Lovely Feathers (I think, we couldn't really hear what they were saying...) were opening act #1. I'd never heard any of their stuff before. They were alright... Kind of loud. The lead singer kept military-style marching in place while singing which was pretty odd. After these guys, Jason Collett played. Man, he's so cool! I have his second CD, but he is just awesome live. So that was good. Then finally, finally, finally! Metric came on! Eeeeee! It was totally worth all the waiting and the standing and the not being able to walk the next day! They played a lot of stuff from their new CD (along with some old songs). The new stuff is a lot edgier. I wish I'd had time to listen to the new CD before the concert (but at least I knew it was already out, unlike a lot of the people I overheard in line). I'll be picking that one up tomorrow, along with Wolf Parade's new release. But yeah, Metric was STELLAR!!! I think they're playing with TMSR in Calgary, which should be an awesome show. And next week, the new Franz Ferdinand and BSS albums are out! Woo! And then it's the Franz concert! Yippee! Good times, good times.
That's it for now. It's park time (so the dogs can undo all the good their bath did them... it's a losing battle), and then we're going out for Signy's birthday (I swear, isf the social events don't calm down soon, I'll never get ANY work done... and then I'll flunk out of grad school... and that would be bad...).