Some things are awesome and some things are... well... not.
Awesome thing #1: eBay
eBay is great. I've used it a number of times, I've never had anything bad happen, and I've always gotten something great out of it at the end. Most recently, I got a digital camera. It's lovely! And the best part about it was that I got the camera and the case and the rechargeable batteries and the charger and a camera cleaning kit and a screen protector kit and a mini tripod AND a 256MB card for less than what the camera costs in the stores. Woo!
Not Awesome thing #1: customs
Customs is a bitch. There are no two ways around it. I've gotten screwed over by customs many many times, like that time in my beanie baby phase when I traded a beanie with someone and got charged $80 by customs. Bastards. I was so excited when UPS guy showed up on my doorstep on Monday with my camera, and was a little less excited when UPS guy demanded $70 for said camera. A $45 broker fee? Give me a break!
Awesome thing #2: The Arcade Fire
They are awesome. Really and truly. I picked up their rereleased EP today and it's super great! I'll never get sick of listening to them. Ever.
Not Awesome thing #2: tour dates
It's like they try to make you miserable with how they schedule things. I was way choked when my future supervisor was going on about going to see The Arcade Fire. Too bad I hadn't been out there when they had their TO concert. And I'm REALLY choked now that they might be coming here in the fall, when I'm in TO. It's like the time I missed the same train twice (shut up!).
Awesome thing #3: Arts & Crafts
I love this label. Every artist on it is fantastic. I mean, Broken Social Scene, Jason Collett, Apostle Of Hustle, Stars, Feist, Valley Of The Giants. and The Most Serene Republic all on one label?!
Not Awesome thing #3: Listening to artists on said label while painting
No matter how great they are, they simply cannot take your mind off the fact that your arms ache and you're inhaling paint fumes. And yes, I'm still painting. Perhaps one day there will be no more painting to do. And for the record, shellac-based paint is disgusting and awful, do not use it. Ever. If given a choice between shellac-based paint and leaving walls the most putrid colour imaginable, I'd leave the walls.
Not Awesome thing #4: Stampede
I really don't like Stampede. Really. Lots. I think it may have something to do with my birthday being during Stampede. Or maybe it's the retarded tourists. I'm not sure, but I really won't miss it when I move.
(quasi)Awesome thing #4: leaving town during Stampede
I leave for Montreal on Thursday. This is great as it helps me avoid Stampede tourists. It could be better if I was going somewhere else for a different reason. Perhaps this Montreal experience will be better than the last one. And maybe the conference will be great. Who knows.
Awesome thing #5: Books
I love books. I have too many, but I keep buying more. Then there's the unfortunate thing that the more books you have, the more books you have to pack when you move. NO MORE BOOKS. Well, except for Harry Potter. Which comes out on Saturday. Eeeee!!! (and yes, I know I'm a dork)
Not Awesome thing #5: Birthdays
Summer birthdays bite. End of story. End of post.