Well, it's nearing the end of September. Pretty crazy. 7 months till graduation. That's a really scary thought. And being in the middle of grad school and scholarship apps makes it seem so much more real. Here's a question... it's all fine and dandy to pick grad schools to apply to, but when it's all said and done, how do you pick? If all 4 school's I'm applying to accept me, how on earth am I going to choose where to go??? I just don't know... Each school has their own pros and cons, but, oh never mind.
I finally got my percentiles from the GRE. My lab now thinks I'm a genius. It's kinda cool though, cuz I checked the "let potential grad schools contact me" thing on the GRE and I've gotten two recruiting e-mails already, one about occupational therapy (ugh) and one from the Harvard school of education (whee!). It sure is a boost to your ego, let me tell you!
Well, I've got to go do something. Maybe sleep. Maybe watch tv. I dunno. But after staring at a computer all day, I don't like to do it so much at night, go figure! Ciao!