Well, so stuff has happened recently, and I thought I'd update.
Tuesday was my birthday. I'm 21 now and feeling very old. It was pretty low key, which was good. Some of my friends and I went to Shakespeare in the Park yesterday to see the Taming of the Shrew. It was good, but toward the end my bum got numb, which was uncomfortable... After, we went to Amanda's and had ice cream sundaes and sat around a fire in her backyard. Then...then we saw the aliens! I know, I know, you're thinking "yeah right", but honestly, they were aliens. I think only Alan and I saw all of the UFOs. There were four, a group of three and one off to the side. They were moving pretty fast across the sky, and nothing was unusual until the three lights in the group of three started to move around each other. It was the weirdest thing I've ever seen. It defied all logical explanation. Planes don't move like that... I have no idea what they were, but that's the only thing I've ever seen that made me honestly think that we probably aren't alone. I was exhausted last night, so I slept like a log, I dunno if I'd have been able to otherwise. I hope Alan was as lucky!
I've started to seriously look at grad schools. My list to apply to is now at 4: Waterloo, Toronto, McGill, and Concordia. There's a guy at Concordia who's researching the acquisition of automaticity and fluency in skilled performance. Right now he's focusing largely on second language acquisition, but he's starting to look at music. I need to get some of his papers to read (great... more stuff to read). I think He's looking like my top choice at the moment. I hope he's taking a student next year...
In other news, I gave my two weeks at my other job today. I got a little misty while penning my letter. The rational part of me knows that it's time to move on, but I've worked there for 2 years, and it wasn't a bad job, and I like the people there. Sigh... change stinks!
I guess that's it for now. It's fecking hot outside, so I'm inside. I almost died at work it was so hot(no a/c in the car... *gasp*). Btw-air conditioning is the greatest invention EVER!!! So long...