Colm's questions:
1) if you could pick two era's of your life (elementary, jr. high, university, fetus etc. :P) which one's would you consider your fondest and most enjoyable, and on the flipside, the most trying. why?
2) What do you consider your greatest accomplishment so far in life? how so?
3) we all know that we are born with gifts, naturally gifted at doing certain things in life, or acting a certain way... what do you consider to be your greatest gift or attribute?
1) Most Enjoyable: University, for many reasons. I don't need to see people I don't like. I've made a bunch of new friends, and kept in touch with those from high school I really like. I finally get to study something I'm actually interested in. I think that's the worst part of lower school levels, you have to do all this crap that in no way relates to what you want to be doing (uh... CALM anyone???). I get to learn things I'm interested in now, things that will actually be relevant to my future. If I don't want to go to class, I don't have to. People are smarter (meaning less inanely intolerable) at university. I feel bad for people who hate high school and for that reason don't go to Uni, because it's so very different (and so much better) than high school.
Most trying: Although high school was a close second, I'd have to say Jr. High. I HATED Jr. High. Gym played a big part in it. So did my classmates. I remember one semester I got 64% in gym (which is a whole other rant) and to make the honour roll you had to have no grades lower than 65. My average was over 90, even with the 64, but my classmates were all like "that's so not fair, you shouldn't have made the honour role... blah blah blah". So I think the general pettiness of Jr. High made it bad. And people started acting like asses in Jr. High. Friends were very transient and people could be your best friend one day and hate you the next. Then there was the Candice situation. She thought it was her personal mission in life to beat me at everything. Too bad she didn't. But at our grade 9 awards night, I got highest average, and because of "fairness" the runner up always got student of the year (dumb system if you ask me) so she got a standing ovation and I got a smaller trophy. I'm not bitter, really :-) but she seemed to take it as she was better. We were friends once upon a time, but then she got to the annoying stage and yeah. So Jr. High was DEFINITELY trying.
2) My greatest accomplishment in life so far. Hmmmm... That's a tough one. I would have to say making it through university. A lot of people never go, or drop out, or end up doing something they hate. I love my faculty and my department, and I feel like I've really found my niche. I'm doing Honours next year, which is a huge deal. I could have very easily not gotten in, or gotten a bad supervisor, but I got my first choice and I'll be doing something I'm really interested in. I think the thing I'm most proud of, though, is paying for school myself. I know I've bitched and complained about it at times, but I feel like I've gotten so much more out of it knowing I've paid for it all myself. And I had NO MONEY coming out of high school. I think it's the feeling of self-efficacy, I did it for myself kinda thing. So yeah.
3) My greatest gift or attribute. Yikes, this is hard, especially to pick something without sounding conceited. Ummm... I think it's probably my ability to read people. I can know pretty much right away if I'm going to get along with someone. I can usually tell what someone's intentions are. And I think that I'm pretty good about looking past "emotional facades". I can usually tell if someone's upset about something (and I try to make them feel better) even if they're putting on a happy face. So that's it I think.
Well, I need to go eat so I can go to school. Have a good day and GO FLAMES!!!!!