Sunday, February 15, 2004

Movie Review:

As I've watched 4 movies in the past 24 hours, I thought I'd post a little review to spare some of you from watching some really shitty movies...

1) My Boss's Daughter: Overall, not a bad movie. Good for some laughs. Dumb, but what can you really expect...

2) Lost in Translation: Now, I was expecting this to be really good. After all, it won some Golden Globes and Sofia Coppola directed. Well... it wasn't good. It was a big snooze fest. Most of the movie didn't even have any background music. And it was set in Japan, which was... different. So yeah, I was disappointed.

3) Cabin Fever: Bloody, very disgusting, but a somewhat better than average teen slasher film. Don't drink the water...

4) Under the Tuscan Sun: A surprisingly good movie! I was impressed. I would actually recommend that people watch this. It's a chick flick, but it was really good. A bright spot in a day of not so bright movies.

So I guess that's it. Have a good Family Day!

PS - I think it was very inconsiderate for the chocolate selling stores to not have their valentines day stuff marked down today. That is all.

Well, it finally happened. I really can't believe it, but she's managed to do it. Chloe (my dog) has managed to wrap her little tail around every member of this house. My dad was the last hold out. The he started sharing food with her. Then, on that fateful day about a week ago, Chloe was invited by my dad to sleep on his bed... It was a big moment, let me tell you. She's accomplished so much, and we haven't even had her for a year! Right now she's having a nap with my parents. The only bad thing about it is that she now has 3 beds to choose from at night. I don't think there's enough Chole to go around... Maybe we need to get another dog... mwahaha!

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Ah, tomorrow is the last day for me this week. I'm very grateful. Yay for profs going to conferences! But boo for papers. Too many papers. Writing papers sucks. A lot. And why do option classes have to be so hard? They should be easy. Stupid humanities options, ruin lives they do. Ask Cara. She'll give you an earful about that. And damn some profs for being so frickin' popular (but not really). And damn the other 4 people who wanted to work with Bodner for the summer. My NSERC dreams are fading fast.... *sniff* sigh. And damn waiting too. Waiting sucks. It's unnecessary stress. Ugh. Sigh. Double sigh. Reading week means nothing except that you don't have to go to school. There will definitely be monsterous amounts of reading, but very little fun. But there's plenty of time for fun when you're dead, right? Oy. I cannot wait until next year. 6 classes. Total. It will be the best thing ever...

Anyhoo, enough self pity for one night. Good luck on midterms, and to the saps who have to go to school on Friday, I wish I could say I feel bad for you, but I really don't. Sorry! lol