Sunday, November 23, 2003

I was trying to figure out what to do with my newfound wealth, and I decided "I think I'll get a laptop." So I was bidding on a titanium powerbook, but I lost. $1700 is a little more than the university gave me. How tragic... Oh well, I guess the laptop gods decided it wasn't meant to be. I'm okay with that. Sniff...

Friday, November 21, 2003

I got a magic envelope from Student Awards and Financial Aid! The Uni gave me moolah!!!! This is like the best week of my life...

Wednesday, November 19, 2003


Life is so full of roses at the moment. I had my meeting with Dr. Bodner today and it went fabulously! I was soooooo nervous, but it was great! I have big hopes for next year. He even told me I should apply for an NSERC undergrad research award so I can work in his lab all summer!! Woo hoo!!! I can't stop smiling...

Monday, November 17, 2003

Well, the inevitable has finally come. Wednesday is D-day. D meaning death, doom, destruction... take your pick. Wednesday is "meet with Dr. Bodner" day. I feel physically ill. I don't know why this is worrying me so much... Possibly because the rest of my university life could go down the toilet! Perhaps I'm being a tad melodramatic.... maybe. But ugh. And he wants me to bring soooo much stuff. A CV, statement of intent, grades, AND a writing sample. It's very fortunate that I just did a research paper, so I can use that. But I have to get all this other stuff together. Oy. Life is too stressful.