I really intended to post something yesterday evening, however some unfortunate circumstances prevented that from happening. I was feeling bad for my dog Chloe, because her walks have kind of been neglected lately, so I thought I'd take her to Fish-Creek for a stroll. She was quite excited about it. So we got to the park and got ourselves organized. Now there's one thing you have to understand about Chloe, she loves her walks. She doesn't walk though, she drags. I'm enough bigger than her though that I can usually rein her in. Anyway, we were walking down the path to the park and Chloe was all over the place. Then she pulled over to the right. I stepped in that direction to get my balance back, but there were these rocks on the side of the path and I stepped on one of them and twisted my ankle. Now, I've done idiotic things like this in the past and nothing bad has ever happened until yesterday. So I went to step forward, thinking nothing serious was wrong and then fell on my ass. Man, did my ankle ever hurt! So I got to my feet, with Chloe still pulling on her leash, eager to continue our walk and tried to walk. One word... ouch! So I decide that this is definitely not nothing and start hobbling back to the car. I was really in no state to drive what with my messed up driving foot and crying and everything, but I had to get home somehow. So I painfully drove myself home where my parents decided that I should really go to the hospital. So I hobble back out to the car and off we go. It's been a looooong time since I've been to the hospital, and I really didn't want to go, but I did. Unfortunately, the triage nurse, who was a guy by the way, decided my ankle was a priority 5, the "non-urgent" wait for 3 days kind of cases. Fortunately for me, though, my ankle did not involve blood, gore, or phlegm, so I got to go to Amtrak, where there were only 4 people waiting instead of a full ER. So I got looked at and x-rayed. The diagnosis - a bone chip and a sprained ankle. Lucky me. I was only in the hospital for about 2 hours, which I think is pretty impressive. I'm grateful nothing worse happened. It would have been just as easy to have broken it. So this means no work for me tomorrow, and possibly Monday as well, which means my next paycheck will be for a big fat nothing. Who knew walking a dog could result in so much drama...
Bassooner than later...