Well, folks. It took me a long time yesterday, but I finally finished reading the new Harry Potter book at 1:30 this morning. It was absolutely fantastic and well worth the wait. It was a really dark book though, a lot less funny than the earlier ones, but I guess with the seriousness of Lord Voldemort's return, things can't be too funny! There are some hilarious moments though. There are so many elements to this book, a lot less "Harry-sided" than the first two were. A lot more attention is paid to the Weasleys. Also, I found that a lot of things I had questions about were answered or hinted to in this book. BTW, those teaser lines that JK Rowling released before the book are in the second last chapter. It's funny, but it's kind of like JK Rowling is growing up as a writer as her characters do... This book was more mature than previous books: a lot of things are hinted at at the beginning and don't come back until the end, so you have to read it fast before you forget! I'm going to read it again just as soon as my dad is finished. I really hope we don't have to wait years for book 6!!!
Bassooner than later...
Sunday, June 22, 2003
Monday, June 16, 2003
So, today was THE DAY. I FINALLY got to register in psych courses. Unfortunately, most of the ones I wanted to take were, are, and remain full. I did get a couple that I wanted though. I registered in some other ones just for the sake of being in classes. Maybe I'll only take 7 classes next year... Hmmm...
Tuesday, June 10, 2003
Other than the two courses I'm registered in, only two other classes I wanted to take aren't full. Hopefully they don't fill up by Monday. I'm looking at several other classes I didn't really want to take, but will probably end up taking. Arggghhhhh! I'm up to Plan F and I'm praying for some sort of divine intervention before I lose my mind... I will be sooooooooooooo glad when registration is over, that is, when school starts, lol.
I went shopping today, I think it made me feel better. Now I'm going to make some fudge. Mmmmmm.... fudge.
Thursday, June 05, 2003
So, two more courses I wanted to take are full. What happens when Plan B is a bust too? I don't have a Plan C. I'm so screwed.
In my current predicament, I recall a line from Harry Potter that seems pertinent:
"...the thing that you fear shall come to pass."
I think Professor Trelawney said this to Parvati Patil. Parvati wasn't really fearing anything though. I was, and now it has happened. I was really afraid that a lecture I needed to take would fill up before I could register. Something worse happened. The LAB SECTION I HAD to take is full!!!! My life is over. Now I have to choose between not taking band or waiting to see if someone drops the lab section. What a crappy choice...