I think this was the worst weekend for work ever! I was training the new girl, and on Friday we got a flat tire. I hate tires. I'm very bitter still. This is my second flat at work. I think the first one was the same tire as this time. Maybe there's a conspiracy... And the on Saturday it took an hour to get to the airport(it usually takes 15 minutes). I don't care what happens on Deerfoot, you shouldn't be allowed to close it. Ever! And I saw some pretty stupid people this weekend. One lady stopped at a stop sign and wouldn't go, because she was too busy gawking at the ladies playing with their dogs on the side of the road. Another guy stopped his car in the left hand lane of Airport trail and got out of his car and was staring at the sky! Maybe the aliens were conducting some experiments that makes your common sense go away. Or maybe it was the sunshine. We haven't seen the sun in weeks and when it came out, people just got goofy. I just don't know sometimes... Well, at least the new girl has seen the worst, rock bottom. I shouldn't say that, I'll just jinx myself...